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  • Writer's pictureAaron Francisco

ESSAY: Authoritarian Theory

Authoritarian Theory have the rights to hold all kinds of communications, they manage it first before it released in public. Authoritarian Theory control the media to protect and prevent the people from the national threats through any form of communication. Example in Television such as News, all incoming information are under investigating because authoritarian theory making sure that once that information shows in public no one get hurt or worried. They censored all unacceptable information (also depends on religion), why, its because once that information post or saw in public news there are people who is getting mad, maybe.

People have there own freedom to share information, share thoughts to everyone but ofcourse your information are under investigation of authority just to make sure that no one will get hurt. There are cases now that many of the information especially in news are cut. Authority used censorship especially in crimes and bad words, if they didn’t censor those bad words and some brutality in news many child will be able adopt it in their personality specially in saying bad words or become a bad person (disrespect).


Censorship is a suppression of any communication which may consider as harmful to the people, King, government and its nation. Especially these censorship methods are much familiar in press which against the freedom of speech and freedom of expression. In some other cases, the censorship helps to protect the rulers and authorities from sensitive issues.

In Philippines there are so many problems the society encountered but there are also some issue that government didn’t want to inform some people, not literally they only give short information or specific. Government want to inform everyone without getting worry. Just like in Authoritarian Theory they didn’t want everyone getting worried that’s why they censored some information.


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